Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ab Kya..??

The next Biggest Question......

Now What..???

So goodbye Dad... see you in a few months.. wow... wasnt that easy... 1st time .. not bad... ur growin up Purnoor...
Adjusting to a completely new environment .. away from that protected "fauji" living.. into that "civilian" life all alone for the first time is definitly not easy... but wow.. independence...!!! .. gettin away frm family was exciting.. holds a loadda opportunities...(no... !! no wayy...!! ur sick..!!) .. and responsibilities..!!

5:45 AM

Woaaahh... come to think of it now.. I really cudnt believe myself when I was actually waking up every morning before 6.. that too all by myself.. cooll..!! ..( Now I really cant wake up before .... .... ... umm...10..?? )

1st Day of classes...

Is this the right class..?? There's nobody here... obviously you idiot.. u've reached a half-an-hour before it begins..
I normally used to love Physics classes.. but my Phy teacher in the 1st sem wasnt really the kinda guy I wanted to have..(didnt really look like a college teacher to me altogether..!!) ..We actually thought we could hav taught him better Physics than he actually teaching us..!!

The rest of the teachers were sorta fine.. I mean.. they were just fine.. nothin really great.. could have managed for abt 1/2 sem.. cant I..??

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