Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kahan Jaoon..???

So Purnoor .. decide.. three good options.. ECE @ NIT Surathkal..(wow..!!) or Chemical( will definitly get something bttr over the next few iterations..) @ BITS Goa..(cud even be Pilani..) and Comp Sci @ NUS ..(with that 6-yr Bond..!!)

Lets start eliminiating.... NUS was out straittaway... no way.. im not spending 6 yrs earning without my MBA...? Besides..I was personally told to go for an Indian grad degree rather than a degree frm Singapore.. Indian degrees hold a muchhh higher value than an NUS degree...

After hours and hours of consulting people.. and wastin my internet hours over this.. and a hell lotta sleepless nights... agreed to join BITS... (agreed bcoz i really wanted to go to NIT Surathkal .. but my parents and lotsa other ppl whose opinion really mattered told me that the BITS tag would take me places in life..!!)

So BITS it is...

Joining a new college.. that too when it just had one year done.. no placements to look at...?? Was I crazzy or something..??? Nope.. the TAG...!! its the BITSian TAG.. which really counts..!!! Fell for it..!!! Ohh yeah... got Electronics and Electrical after the 3rd iteration.. cool.. so no problem abt the course..!! yippee...!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mayri tarha bhar main.............